[En-Nut-Discussion] debugging with JTAG ICE -- COFF files

Mikael E.Pedersen (MEP) MEP at tt.dk
Tue Nov 26 08:31:40 CET 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JasonG [mailto:jas_g at yahoo.com]
> the .obj file (using avr-objcopy) is about 300 kbytes.  But the .cof
> file (using objtool 0.05 beta) is about 70 kbytes.  This is almost the
> verbatim httpserv example given.  
> How could there be such a difference in the resultant debug files?

My guess is that the .obj file has everything for the entire project.
Objtool only generates debug info for source files placed in the current

> I can't seem to do symbolic debugging with the .cof file, but the .obj
> file is working.

Thats odd. I can't even open my .obj files. It says "missing one or more
source files"
or something like that.
But .cof files seem to work (but I haven't tried it with the JTAG yet).

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