Fw: [En-Nut-Discussion] UDP BroadCast

Avex avexwu at yahoo.com.tw
Wed Sep 25 03:08:43 CEST 2002

Hi  Harald,

Did you test my code already ? After modified the bug you
mentioned , I still fail to send broadcast msg back.
Can you help me to test the sample code again ?

#include <string.h>
#include <dev/nicrtl.h>
#include <sys/heap.h>
#include <sys/timer.h>
#include <dev/uartavr.h>
#include <sys/thread.h>
#include <sys/print.h>
#include <sys/confnet.h>
#include <netinet/sostream.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

THREAD(NutMain, arg)
    NUTDEVICE *uart;
    u_long baud = 9600;
    char *data = "test";
    char *p;
    // for UDP
     unsigned char buff[512];
     u_long address;
     UDPSOCKET *sock_udp;
     int nRead;
     u_short cli_port;

    // Register Realtek controller at address 8300 hex
    // and interrupt 5 and configure lan interface.

    NutRegisterDevice(&devUart0, 0, 0);

    uart = NutDeviceOpen("uart0");
    NutDeviceIOCtl(uart, UART_SETSPEED, &baud);
    NutRegisterDevice(&devEth0, 0x8300, 5);

    NutPrintFormat(uart, "program started!");

    // Create a socket.
    sock_udp = NutUdpCreateSocket(1234);


        if((nRead = NutUdpReceiveFrom(sock_udp, &address, &cli_port,
buff,sizeof(buff), 600000)) > 0)
            buff[nRead] = 0;
            NutPrintFormat(uart, "Data received :%s\r\n", buff);
            p = (char*)&address;
            NutPrintFormat(uart, "address
            NutPrintFormat(uart, "%s\r\n",inet_ntoa(address));

            NutUdpSendTo(sock_udp, 0xffffffff, 1234, data, 4);

            // the line below is not workable. as echo
            NutUdpSendTo(sock_udp, inet_addr(""), 1234,

            // the line below is workable. send "test" string
            NutUdpSendTo(sock_udp, address, 1234, data, 4);




> Avex,
> Wow, big problem in the checksum routines. It appeared
> once, but suddenly disappeared again for no know reason.
> The broadcast telegrams in your code produce these wrong
> checksums again.

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