AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] NutThreadSetPriority

Oliver Schulz Oliver.Schulz at
Fri Dec 5 13:00:16 CET 2003

Hi Yuri,

lets start to examine your code and answer your questions...

> for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
>        char *thname = "main";
>        thname[4] = '0' + i;
>        NutThreadCreate(thname, NutMain, (void *) (u_short) i, 640);
>        printf("[%i] Name: %s\r\n", i, tdp->td_name);
>        }
> NutThreadSetPriority(255);
> printf("[%i] Idle Thread Priority: %u\r\n", i, tdp->td_priority);

1. If you set the thread number with "thname[4] = '0' + i;" you overwrite the string termination character! thname is prior set to "main", so it has 4 characters [0..3] and one termination char [4]. If you set thname to "main0" for example, the termination char is on index [5] and will not be overwritten.

2. You MUST assign the return value from NutThreadCreat to tdp! You don't, so tdp points somewhere into nirvana.. Please use "tdp = (NUTTHREADINFO*) NutThreadCreate (...);"

3. If you try to print the idle thread priority, tdp points still to the last created thread. This will not work. Use "runningThread->td_priority" instead. But note, calling NutThreadSetPrio(255) will immediately suspend your idle thread and it executes printf first after it becomes active again..

> maybe im just being ignorant, but i dont understand what effect
> NutThreadYield() has in an endless for loop. Because when the priority
> gets set so low, the thread loses control over itself, thus, the way i
> see it, isnt capable of forfilling his task by Yielding the thread...
> maybe somebody can explain this a bit more.

If all other threads are waiting for something (in most cases for timers or other events) the idle thread becomes active. Just imagine that all your "worker"-threads are waiting for a tcp connection...
If than the idle thread does not call NutThreadYield(), it will never suspended and all other thread have no chance ever to get to run.

Hope that helps,

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