AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] NutThreadSetPriority

Yuri Staal staal.ya at
Fri Dec 5 13:41:51 CET 2003

Ok, this doesnt really have to do anything with setting priorities...
but i just wanted to ask.

im checking what threads are running, with what priorities etc, and i
see this:

1FFD arpex      64  SLP   0000   0D7C  1FD7 346 OK 
1C76 httpd4     64  SLP   233E   0000  1C4C 598 OK 
19D9 httpd3     64  SLP   253C   0000  19AF 598 OK 
173C tcpsm      64  RDY  0450   0000  1714 472 OK 
151F rxi5         9    RDY  0450   0CB6  14F9 602 OK 
1282 httpd2     64  RUN  0450   0000  1258 598 OK 
0C85 rxi5         9   SLP   057B   0CB6  0C5F 602 OK 
09E8 httpd1     64  SLP  1CF9   0000  09BE 598 OK 
073E idle         254 RDY  0450  0000  0718 346 OK

as you may see, there are 4 httpd threads. but there are also TWO rxi5
for as much as i know, the rxi5 thread is the ethernet receive thread...
shouldnt there be 1 rxi5 and 1 txi5 thread, instead of 2 rxi5 threads?
its kind of mind boggling :-)


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