[En-Nut-Discussion] TCPIP errno question

Kyle Rhodes kyle at ghbraille.com
Mon Nov 24 21:39:06 CET 2003

Hello all,
I was wondering what exactly causes an errno of 10057 (socket not
connected).  I understand that if the client disconnects, and a _read()
or _write() is attempted, this error will occur, but is that the only
potential cause?  Could something go wrong within NutOS to cause the
connection to be dropped?  
This occurs once in a while when I'm transferring data back and forth
between my Ethernet board and my client application.  I don't seem to
get a "disconnected" event on the PC side until a _read() is attempted
on my Ethernet board and it returns the error and resets the connection.
There shouldn't be any reason the connection is dropped, I'm trying to
figure out if the problem is with my PC application, or my Ethernet
Thanks for any help,
Kyle Rhodes
Hardware / Software Engineer
gh, LLC
3000 Kent Ave
Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 775-3776  ext 205
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