[En-Nut-Discussion] stdio + nutrom

NGB ngbmoreau at yahoo.com.au
Thu Apr 29 11:16:03 CEST 2004

> IMHO, this is one of *the* strong points of Nut/OS. It enables you to create
> device
> drivers that you can access using standard functions like fprintf,fgets,
> etc.
> In most compiler/developer distributions you can only use stdio functions on
> files.
> If you want to use the supplied functions to control your devices you run
> into all
> sorts of problems, which, in Nut/OS, you don't have.
That kind of makes sense for 'f' functions but it doesn't make sense for 's' 
functions that print to a buffer.

> fopen(UROM:NameOfFile, "r");
I understand that, what I don;t get is how I can get my pointer to the data ?
if I have to use fread this is going to be very slow




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