[En-Nut-Discussion] RE: lcd display driver

Eduardo Serantes eserantes at telefonica.net
Thu Dec 9 12:29:14 CET 2004

Hi Ronald,

I've developed a simple thread for managing a 2x16 display with three
structs asociated: one of them for a menu controlled with a three buttoms
keypad, another one for async blinking messages and the third one for error
messages. I have also modified the ethernut driver to avoid blinking the
16th char on display. If you are interested in the source code, please let
me know.


> hello hard working developers,
> question,
> are there a lcd driver whare you can in put in memory some characters (or
> defined buffer) and than display the os the characters to the slow lcd
> display (interupt base or thred based)
> Ronald
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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