[En-Nut-Discussion] Questions re devUart1

Francois Rademeyer francois at asnone.com
Wed Feb 18 07:45:24 CET 2004

Hi all,

When I change from using devDebug1 to devUart1 for stdout it stops working.
Has anyone experienced this? I'm sure it could be one of a multitude of
problems.  I'm also using the devUart0 driver elsewhere in my program with
no problems.

Something that is also quite peculiar is that I notice that my .bss segment
grows almost 700 bytes in size when doing the above mentioned change.  I
don't know about other people, but when I have NUTDEBUG enabled the standard
4K memory becomes very small indeed.  How do I enable external RAM for .bss
and .data when working with Nut-Os?

Is there any advantage in using the new usart driver above the uart for
standard 8N1 operation?

How can I set an already active stream to also output to stdout?


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