[En-Nut-Discussion] Read/Write Routine (Gediminas Simanskis)

Berns J. Buenaobra bbuenaobra at nip.upd.edu.ph
Sat Jan 31 04:47:49 CET 2004

Hello to Gediminas Simanskis:

I got this suggestion from Harald to try out this code below:

int writeEEPROM(u_char sla,u_int addr,void *txdata,u_short len) {
     u_char data[128];

     data[0] = (u_char)(addr>>8);
     data[1] = (u_char) addr;

     TwMasterTransact(sla, data,len+2, 0, 0, 0);

     return 0 ;

For a 'C01 tied up to PORTD of the Ethernut 1.3F board, how do you use
it? Where does _delay_loop2(10000) come from some header? 


Berns Buenaobra

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