[En-Nut-Discussion] Voip & ethernut

Johan van der Stoel j.v.d.stoel at stream-it.nl
Sat Jul 31 19:45:20 CEST 2004

Some time ago there was a posting about Ethernut and Voip. We currently are
considering & investigating to build a SIP Voip telephone using the Ethernut
platform and a voip audioprocessor of DSPgroup (www.dspg.com). Regarding
this, I have the following questions.

1. Has anyone investigated if this is possible, and if not, where are the
limitations and why shouldn't we do this?
2. Are more people/companies in such a product, and if yes, are more
people/companies interested in creating an open-source Nut/OS SIP platform
and want to participate actively in this?
3. What is your opinion about using the RTL8019AS in such a product?

I look forward to your comments.

Johan van der Stoel

Streamit                            Tel.:  +31 (0)40-2556036
Dotterbeek 32                       Mob: +31 (0)6-18842718
NL-5501 BH Veldhoven                Fax.: +31 (0)40-8443942
Web: www.stream-it.nl
E-mail: j.v.d.stoel at stream-it.nl

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