[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut programming problem

Pete Allinson pete at peteallinson.plus.com
Wed Nov 10 18:45:37 CET 2004

Hello Harald,

>>>Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?
>>Not really. Does it help to press the reset button on the
>>Ethernut during programming?
>Pressing the reset button appears to make no difference.  I tried pressing 
>it before programming, while programming, and after programming stalled.
Hmm, I've just had a slightly different programming failure using 
avrdude.  After the 'Writing' progress bar got to 50%, it produced the 
error message:
     avrdude: serial_recv(): programmer is not responding
and then exitted.
The LED on the programmer continued to pulse red/green until I removed 
power from the Ethernut.

Pete Allinson

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