[En-Nut-Discussion] UART Problem

Daniel Makus daniel.makus at fhtw-berlin.de
Wed Oct 27 13:26:05 CEST 2004

does anyone know why I can't see any output on rs232 by using self made 
atmega128 board, on Ethernut original HW there is no problem?
I used following code:

FILE *uart;
NutRegisterDevice(&devUart0, 0, 0);
 uart = fopen("uart0", "w");
 u_long baud = 38400;
 _ioctl(_fileno(uart), UART_SETSPEED,&baud);
            fputs("Test:\n", uart);

If I load the basemon firmware to the custom board there is no problem 
and I can see output information.

I use NUT/OS 3.9.2 Preview  and on the original ethernut hw there is no 



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