[En-Nut-Discussion] DHCP problems

Johan van der Stoel j.v.d.stoel at stream-it.nl
Thu Sep 16 22:22:13 CEST 2004


We also had a similar problem and solved this by storing the old ip-address
before allowing the watchdog to time-out. We generate in this application a
watchdog timeout each 24 hours, in case we don't get an ip-address with
DHCP, we use the old ip-address. This works -until now- very reliable.

Best regards,
Johan van der Stoel
Streamit                            Tel.:  +31 (0)40-2556036
Dotterbeek 32                       Mob: +31 (0)6-18842718
NL-5501 BH Veldhoven                Fax.: +31 (0)40-8443942
Web: www.stream-it.nl               E-mail: j.v.d.stoel at stream-it.nl

>I have the same problem on a device that has no easy way to cycle the
>power. If I intervene I can send a packet to renew the address by
>allowing the watchdog to timeout. But if I don't the device is just
>stuck without a proper address. This issue is very serious to us because
>our device is meant to stay on for extended periods of time and we have
>potentially hundreds of such devices at a given location that would need
>to be rebooted. Our devices are UDP only however, so we aren't worried
>about TCP connections. Any tips on how to modify the code to accept the
>new address without rebooting?

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