AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] Just a minor patch...

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at
Mon Sep 20 20:32:15 CEST 2004


your patch was

--- timer.c.orig        2004-03-05 21:38:41.000000000 +0100
+++ timer.c     2004-08-04 15:32:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
       *   register, so we'll get a compare match interrupt every millisecond.
  #ifdef __AVR_ATmega128__
-    outp(BV(CS00) | BV(CS20) | BV(WGM01), TCCR0);
+    outp(BV(CS0) | BV(CS2) | BV(WGM1), TCCR0);
      outp(BV(CS00) | BV(CS02) | BV(CTC0), TCCR0);

os/arch/avr_timer.c in HEAD (and 3.9.1) is

#ifdef __AVR_ATmega128__
     outp(BV(CS00) | BV(CS02) | BV(WGM01), TCCR0);
     outp(BV(CS00) | BV(CS02) | BV(CTC0), TCCR0);

Where is the difference between your patch and the current


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