[En-Nut-Discussion] Newbee problem: TCP client worked once, now is broken

Tim Ressel tim.ressel at veris.com
Tue Apr 5 00:16:32 CEST 2005


I just got my Ethernut 1.3g an am trying to make a data acquisition box with it by using TCP sockets to send data to a PHP server. I write an app that worked once, then I made a change and re-compiled and it stopped working. I backed out the change but no joy. I then downloaded the basemon bits to tes tthe hardware, and it comes back after a long delay (>10s) and sez it no NIC detected. It then starts the HTTP server, but I cannot ping the IP, and I get no activity light. 

My question is: am I doing something wrong in the code to make this happen? Or did I blow up the board? How else can I test the hardware? 


Tim Ressel
Veris Industries
16640 SW 72nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97224

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