[En-Nut-Discussion] Problems with TCP reception

Eduardo Serantes eserantes at telefonica.net
Thu Apr 14 11:33:47 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I'm just trying to receive in the Ethernut a 100 kbytes data stream (TCP
connection), and I always have between 5 and 13 bytes changed from the
original file. TCP works ok and there is no error in the reception. I'm
using the native call NutTcpReceive because is binary data. I have tried a
lot of code with the same result. An example:

Data_Add = 0x8000;
Data_Bk = DataBlock;

Aux_Size = DataLen;
buff=malloc(size_buffer); //tested size_buffer=10,20,50,100,800,1000 or 1460

while ( (bite=NutTcpReceive(sock,buff,size_buffer)) > 0) && (Aux_Size > 0)){
	   for (i=0; i < bite; i++) {
	   	  *(u_char *)Data_Add = buff[i];
		   if (Data_Add == 0xBFFF) {
		  	 		   Data_Add = 0x8000;
			 		   if (Data_Bk == 29)
			 		   	  Data_Bk = 0;
						  	  Data_Bk += 1;
					   } else
					   	 	 Data_Add += 1;
		  } // Fin del for		
		  Aux_Size = Aux_Size - bite;
	   } // Fin del while
I have also tried to allocate the buffer straight to the external RAM in the
NutTcpReceive call, with the same result. Has anybody experienced something

Thx in advance,


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