[En-Nut-Discussion] Message Queues

Ernst Stippl ernst at stippl.org
Wed Mar 23 20:47:15 CET 2005

Hi All!

I am working on a project which needs message queues. There is msg.c in
Nut/OS 3.9.5, but I am using 3.9.1 and the project is already in an advanced
stage so I dont want to change the Nut/OS version.

Is it possible to use msg.c under Nut/OS 3.9.1?
GCC complains there is no "NutTimerStartTicks" function in 3.9.1, but I

#define NutTimerStartTicks NutTimerStart

to msg.c to satisfy the compiler (I found from the documentation that both
functions have the same parameter types), but I have not digged in what's
the difference between the "...Ticks" function and the other one.

Will it work under 3.9.1?

Thanks & Regards

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