[En-Nut-Discussion] Changes in hd44780.c and hd44780_bus.c

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt at kernelconcepts.de
Fri May 27 16:19:58 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I changed dev/hd44780.c and hd44780_bus.c in order to support different
display types. I don't expect it to break any existing code. Default
display size is still 2x16 if not specified else.

I added the new display sizes to the configurator (conf/dev/dev.nut).
Sorry, but I can't test it because I can't compile the configurator.
Please test these options.

Could anyone please add the LCD_* Options to the configurator (I/O
definition for Data ports, r/w, enable and data/command bits?) I'm not
that familiar with the configurator to do this by my own without the
possibility for testing.

I also added support for different delay types.

Option 1: no r/w bit specified and NUT_CPU_FREQ not specified
==> NutDelay will be used for delay. Same as in old code (drawback: busy

Option 2: no r/w bit specified and NUT_CPU_FREQ is specified
==> NutSleep will be used instead of NutDelay. Better, no busy waiting

Option 3: LCD_RW_BIT specified.
==> We will read back the LCD's busy bit. Busy waiting, but still much
faster than option 1.

Defintion of LCD_RW_BIT is optional.

Best regards and a sunny summer,

Ole Reinhardt

kernel concepts    Tel: +49-271-771091-14
Dreisbachstr. 24   Fax: +49-271-771091-19
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