[En-Nut-Discussion] Problems with NutTcpReceive

markusklemt at gmx.de markusklemt at gmx.de
Tue Nov 15 21:11:14 CET 2005

Hi, I am from germany my english isnĀ“t so good

I have Problems withe the function " NutTcpReceive" or "NutTcpDeviceRead"

I have in my program a while loop.
I ask, have the PIND changed
and then I ask,

if ( data = NutTcpReceive(sock,in_data,sizeof(in_data)-1)!= 0)
	if (in_data == ....)
			do anything;
	if (in_data == ....)
			do anything


The while loop works, but ist stops at the function ---- if ( data =
NutTcpReceive(sock,in_data,sizeof(in_data)-1)!= 0)----

if I receive an String on "sock" the loop does work one times more and stops
at the same position again and again.

Can someone help me?



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