[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut and LVTTL

Peter Gaskell pgaskell at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Sun Oct 9 05:59:44 CEST 2005

I want to use an ethernut to interface with the "reset" and "clock"  
pins of 16 LVTTL chips in parallel. and also to the "data in" of the  
first chip (which pushes the data out 2 clk cycles later to the next  
chip)  The chip has an absolute maximum of ~3.6V on its input pins.

1.)Do I need a level converter to connect the ethernut output ports  
to the input ports of this chip?

2.)Is the ethernut fan-out capable of driving 16 LVTTL chips' input  
lines (or 32?) in parallel?

3.)Will the ethernut recognize the 3.3V LVTTL High signal? It should  
recognize anything above 2V as high, am i correct?



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