[En-Nut-Discussion] UROM, GCC and files linked over 64K

Andrej Taran fant at vinnitsa.com
Thu Aug 17 14:50:10 CEST 2006

UROM not work with files which linked over 64K.
It  because pointer prog_char has size 16 bit, and memcpy_P, strcmp_P 
work with arguments in the lower 64 KB of the flash ROM (see pgmspace.h)
This solve this problem, I did so:

1.Write function far_memcpy_P, far_strcmp_P and correct uromfs.c.

void *far_memcpy_P(void *dest, uint32_t src, uint16_t size) {
  char *tmp = (char *) dest;

  while ( size-- )
    *tmp++ = pgm_read_byte_far(src++);

  return dest;

int far_strcmp_P(const char * cs, uint32_t ct) {
    char __res;

    while (1) {
        if ((__res = *cs - pgm_read_byte_far(ct++)) != 0 || !*cs++)

    return __res;

2. Correct uromfs.h
struct _ROMENTRY {
    ROMENTRY *rome_next;  /*!< Link to next ROMENTRY structure. */
    uint32_t rome_name;   /*!< Filename. */
    u_short  rome_size;   /*!< File size. */
    uint32_t rome_data;   /* __attribute__ ((progmem));  !< File data. */

3. Create filecfg.c with crurom.exe

4. Correct filecfg.c. Comment //static ROMENTRY file1entry = {... and other

5. Add initialization file1entry and other

ROMENTRY file1entry;
ROMENTRY file2entry;
ROMENTRY file3entry;
ROMENTRY file4entry;
ROMENTRY *romEntryList = &file4entry;

void initcfg(void){
   file1entry.rome_next = 0;
   file1entry.rome_name = (uint32_t)&file1name+0x10000;
   file1entry.rome_size = 31070;
   file1entry.rome_data = (uint32_t)&file1data+0x10000;
... and other

2. Add in linker script
 .cfgfile 0x10000 : { cfgfile.o (.progmem.data) }

This is work. All files UROM linked to 0x10000 and we have 64k for they.
But so much for tangled, can know someone other way?

Best Regards,

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