[En-Nut-Discussion] Trouble compiling xsvfexec-enut30d for Ethernut 2.1b

Tom Armitage tom at expat.dyndns.org
Tue Feb 21 02:56:27 CET 2006

Hi again,

I am still having trouble compiling the out-of-the-box xsvfexec- 
enut30d code for self-programming the CPLD on the Ethernut 2.1b board.

It keeps failing with the same error:

../../tools/crurom/crurom -r -ourom.c cpld
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega128 -Os -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -Wall - 
Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-ahlms=urom.lst -D__HARVARD_ARCH__ - 
DNUT_CPU_FREQ=14745600 -DETHERNUT2  -I../../include  urom.c -o urom.o
urom.c:9: error: size of variable 'file1data' is too large

I originally tried compiling this under OS X using using ethernut  
4.0.2 with avr-gcc 3.4.4 and avr-libc 1.4.0 on OS X 10.4.4 - I  
reported my lack of success at the time.

I have since tried it again under Windows XP using the a fresh  
Windows install of Nut/OS 4.0.2 and the Ethernut Configurator and the  
latest WinAVR package (avr-gcc 3.4.5) and I'm still seeing the same  
compiling problem.  It doesn't seem to want to compile for me!

My question is this: how do i get this package to compile??

I get the same error when using the older version of the code  
(xsvfexec101.zip), but I know it must be possible because the  
xsvfexec101.zip file contains xsvfexec.bin and xsvfexec.hex!

Any advice at this stage would be welcomed!

Tom Armitage

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