AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] I2C questions

Kowalsky, Richard Richard.Kowalsky at
Sun Jan 1 19:35:38 CET 2006


   It works!  Thank you very much for all your help.  Just as you
suspected, I had the wrong address. (I forgot to take into account the
address being shifted over 1 bit).  With your suggested code, below, I
saw the address that were really returning valid data and then when I
realized that they were shifted 1 bit from what I expected, everything
fell into place.  All 4 I2C devices are now talking happily.

    I definitely recommend that people use your test code if they are
turning on new hardware just as a double-check.  I can save them lots of

   Thanks again for your help.  I definitely owe you a beer!


-----Original Message-----

Hi Richard,

I forgot - maybe you use the wrong adress of your I2C devices ?

this a a very dirty piece of code to find resonding devices (active
adresses) by returncode rc 

void TestTWI (void)
 unsigned char lbuf[10];
 unsigned char retb[10];
 lbuf[0]=0xf0; // dummy
 unsigned char a = 0;
 int rc;
 for(a=0; a<256; a++)
 rc = TwMasterTransact(a, lbuf, 1, retb, 1, 1000);
 printf("Adress : Dez: %d Hex: %02X       RC:%d\n",a,retb[0],rc);


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