[En-Nut-Discussion] TCP/IP Stack crashes

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Fri Jan 13 14:56:12 CET 2006

Excellent explanation, thanks.

Running out of heap consequences:
I'm sure that not all mallocs are checked for success. If
not, the code will use a NULL pointer. Writing to memory
location 0 will overwrite the AVR registers and the system


At 12:23 13.01.2006 +0100, you wrote:

>If I read the code correctly, an Ethernut in a network with many host 
>broadcasting often will suck heap memory because of the arp cache 
>management. So flooding the network with broadcast packets from one host 
>or two won't show the bug.. Maybe you need 50 hosts or more. Memory usage 
>from the Ethernut application is also to be considered. Eventually the 
>heap will collide with the stack (I did not search NutOs code about what's 
>going on if this happens)

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