[En-Nut-Discussion] Problems compiling NutOS 4.1.3

Hugo Simon hugo.simon at gmx.de
Thu Jan 26 11:24:11 CET 2006


I already have problems compiling NutOS samples with 4.1.3 under Windows. If
I compile http for example it doesn't recognize "devEth0". I use the
Ethernut 2.1 board.

As I checked the include files I thing the definition of the macros
ETHERNUT1, ETHERNUT2 and so on are missing, so all of the plattform
dependend stuff is skipped.

I checked the configurator and found the "Platform Macro". I enabled it and
set it to the value "ETHERNUT2". Now it defines a macro PLATFORM to
ETHERNUT2, but that does not help because the if statements in several
source files are like

#ifdef (ETHERNUT2)

Where is the definition of this ETHERNUT2 thing?

Thank you

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