[En-Nut-Discussion] AJAX on ethernut

Dusan Ferbas dferbas at etech.cz
Fri Jul 28 10:06:38 CEST 2006


what was missed in this discussion, is that AJAX means Asynchronous 
JavaScript and XML - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJAX. This 
means that you need to construct an XML document that can be GET via 
http. No problem. But if you want to send data back, you need an XML 
parser, that digs info from individual tags.

As we already use XML for get/set parameters/data, there was no need 
to implement anything in our application code to get AJAX running. 
Everything was done in JavaScript within a "static" web page, that 
was made part of a file system. We are using AJAX to paint a dynamic 
graph for several temperatures in a web page without reloading such a page.

>Hello everyone
>I am wondering if anyone has used AJAX technology on ethernut 
>boards.  I plan to develop a robot control application for which 
>AJAX would help to provide a smooth user interface by updating 
>sensors readings (i.e. GPS) and allowing control without having to 
>continually re-submit a page.  If there are any examples of using 
>AJAX, I would like to see them.
>Greg Wood


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