[En-Nut-Discussion] NutTcpCreateSocket / TCPSOCKET in C++

Bas Nedermeijer basneder at tdlnx.student.utwente.nl
Tue Jun 13 22:10:17 CEST 2006


we are trying to create a socket-connection in C++ (in NutOS), but somehow 
the program just stops in the middle of the program, and restarts. This
happens when creating the socket in a class of the program.

When creating the tcpsocket in main(), it does succeed. (I took some 
code-examples from tcps.c)

Snippet of code:

   this->_socket = NutTcpCreateSocket();

   printf("Socket no. : %i\n",this->_socket);
   printf("Local address: (%s)\n",inet_ntoa(this->_socket->so_local_addr));



(decl. of _socket:
 	TCPSOCKET*	_socket;


Socket no. : 4230
Local address: (


It never gets to the "DONE" part, after this the application starts over.

Am i missing something? Or am i looking in the wrong direction?

 	Kind Regards, Bas Nedermeijer

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