[En-Nut-Discussion] newbie question to simple demo

Olaf Schirm oschirm at web.de
Wed Mar 22 00:09:49 CET 2006

Hi Harald,
first of all thank you for your support.

After all, I guess the problem might be located somewhere in the nutconfig settings.

> >Adding 3 LEDs to the Mega128 and turn them on works fine without ethernut.
> Well, actually it is better to connect the LEDs
> via a resistor to Vcc and pull the I/Os to low.
>      PORTE &= ~((1<<2) | (1<<3)| (1<<4))

Would be interesting to know why it is better to Vcc. I can redsign the layout in the next version
of the PCB, no problem. But the LEDs are not the main issue of this thread, we can discuss later as
soon as the basic test function works.

> Something I can think of is the possibly missing
> 32 kHz clock crystal on your board. But, AFAIK, this
> would not hurt in your simple application, which doesn't
> use any kind of Nut/OS timer functions (NutSleep or event
> timeouts).

You are right, up to now I do not have a 32kHz crystal. I use a 16MHz only.
Board worked fine with an older version of nut os and winavr. Still works
fine with the old main.hex when downloaded.  Old develeopment configuration
does not exist anymore, so I cannot crosscheck. Cannot figure out why it does 
not work when I compile the source with the latest versions,
this is why I went down to a simple LED test. 

> Does your hardware got an external RAM? If not, you may
> try the settings in
>    RTOS Kernel -> Memory Management

Yes I have an EEPROM to store some data (M93C46-MN6) attached to the USB chip (FDTI FT232BL)

> after loading stk501.conf with the Configurator.
For the STK200, shall I use the stk501.conf. I did use the ethernut21b.conf up to now.
I tried the stk501.conf, does not change the problem.
I switched off Reserved Memory size, does not change the problem.

Problem occurs as soon as I add   the libs and the --defsym=main=0 which gets rid
of the main reference error. Doing the trick with redefining the main to something_main
as you described in an other thread, leads to new errors. ,
still lost somehow,
any further suggestion where to look?

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