[En-Nut-Discussion] RTC/Eeprom at the SAM7X EK board

Lokker, Ronald R.Lokker at krohne-altometer.nl
Tue Nov 28 17:47:38 CET 2006

I will add a RTC component to the sam7x dev board

I use the same component as the ethernut3d board X1226

I know that the pinning are different



X1226 SCL (pin6) -> AT91R40008 PIO 17

X1226 SDA (pin5) -> AT91R40008 PIO 16


(My) SAM7X

(soft TWI)

X1226 SCL (pin6) -> SAM7X PIO A 26

X1226 SDA (pin5) -> SAM7X PIO A 29


In the configurator (I load the sam7x device) I can add the Device
Drivers X12xx diriver enable on

But the os build not the twi lib file 


How can I config correctly the hardware to solve my problem 

How works the config tool to build the os


Ps at the hardware pins TW I can not connect at this moment the rtc


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