[En-Nut-Discussion] Device driver

Zachary psilva at opensoftware-br.com
Sun Nov 5 17:47:11 CET 2006

Hi all,

I am having problem with NutRegisterDevice, when trying to register 
devXflash, made by Michael Fischer.

The  test below fail because (*dev->dev_init)(dev) have value of 0xFFFF.

            if(dev->dev_init == 0 || (*dev->dev_init)(dev) == 0 ) {
             dev->dev_next = nutDeviceList;
                nutDeviceList = dev;
                rc = 0;

The NETDEVICE structure is :

NUTDEVICE devXflash = {
  0,                      /*!< Pointer to next device. */
  {'X', 'F', 'L', 'A', 'S', 'H', 0, 0, 0},        /*!< Unique device name. 
  IFTYP_STREAM,           /*!< Type of device. Obsolete. */
  0,                      /*!< Base address. Unused. */
  0,                      /*!< First interrupt number. Unused. */
  0,                      /*!< Interface control block. Unused. */
  0,                      /*!< Driver control block. Unused. */
  XflashInit,             /*!< Driver initialization routine. Not supported. 
  0,                      /*!< Driver specific control function. Not 
supported. */
  XflashRead,             /*!< Read data from a file. */
  XflashWrite,            /*!< Write data to a file. */
#ifdef __HARVARD_ARCH__
  XflashWrite_P,          /*!< Write data from program space to a file. */
  XflashOpen,             /*!< Open a file. */
  XflashClose,            /*!< Close a file. */
  XflashSize              /*!< Return file size. */

I do not know what to do because I am new to NUT/OS, so ask if somebody may 
help me? or point me to a document that explain device driver register in 
detail,  any  advice will be welcome.

Another doubt I have is, why the test is about this pointer is NULL to 
register a device? I don't understant why it is this way.
            if(dev->dev_init == 0 || (*dev->dev_init)(dev) == 0 ) {



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