[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut/os configurator

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Sun Oct 29 09:30:49 CET 2006


According to the source code comments:

"A component is enabled, if all requirements of this component and
all parent components are provided by other components or options."

"An option is activated by the user or automatically by active_if.
Only options may become incative, components are always active."

Adding a requirement, which is not fulfilled, will de-activate
the component. Example taken from pro/pro.nut and using NOT_AVAILABLE:

         name = "nutpro_snmp",
         brief = "SNMP Agent",
         description = "Simple network management protocol. Not implemented.",
         requires = { "NOT_AVAILABLE", "NET_UDP" },
         sources =  { "snmp.c" }


At 00:46 29.10.2006 -0200, you wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am new to ethernut.
>I have 2 doubts about nut/os configurator. I read a lot of docs and cannot 
>found the answer for them
>1 - What is the diference betwen items property Enabled and Active?
>2 - How can I change the item property enable from Yes to No?

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