[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 1.3G HTTPD Sample Will Not Compile

Jason Walton walton.jason at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 17:18:17 CEST 2006

I've recently purchased an Ethernut 1.3g board and have followed the steps
in the Quick Start portion of the "Software Manual."  I've found that when
compiling the HTTPD project that i get the following compiler error:

C:\iccv7avr\bin\imakew -f HTTPD.mak
    iccavr -c -IC:\ethernut-4.0.3\nutbld-13g-icc\include -IC:\ethernut-
4.0.3\nut\include -e -D__ICC_VERSION="7.07" -D__MCU_enhanced
-D__HARVARD_ARCH__ -DATMEGA -DATMega128  -l -g -Mavr_enhanced  C:\ethernut-
!E C:\ethernut-4.0.3\nutapp\httpd\httpserv.c(554): undeclared identifier
!E C:\ethernut-4.0.3\nutapp\httpd\httpserv.c(554): type error in argument 1
to `NutRegisterDevice'; found `pointer to int' expected `pointer to struct
!W C:\ethernut-4.0.3\nutapp\httpd\httpserv.c(568):[warning] calling function
without prototype may cause errors
C:\iccv7avr\bin\imakew.exe: Error code 1
C:\iccv7avr\bin\imakew.exe: 'httpserv.o' removed.
Done: there are error(s). Exit code: 1

I'm running the ICCAVR Demo version (Waiting for the Purchase Order to go
through for PRO.)  I think that I've followed the Software Manual
instructions properly, but I suppose that I've failed to set some include
path or some other compiler property correctly.



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