[En-Nut-Discussion] SAM7x Basic USB example

Ben Hoyt benhoyt at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 02:17:08 CEST 2006

Hi Uwe,

I'm also working on USB under Ethernut for the SAM7s, and I'd be very keen
to see what you've done. I don't suppose you could post the sources
somewhere (or email them through), or maybe just a list of anything you
bumped into along the way? Did you make the USB a Nut device?


On 9/17/06, Uwe Bonnes <bon at elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> Martin THOMAS publised a basic usb example (no interrupt) for the SAM7S on
> http://www.siwawi.arubi.uni-kl.de/avr_projects/arm_projects/index_at91.html#at91_usb1
> It's obviosly based on the source code for the sam-ba bootloader,
> published
> by Atmel. I have it running as an ethernut example with very few changes,


Ben Hoyt
Mobile: +64 21 331 841
Email: benhoyt at gmail.com

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