[En-Nut-Discussion] power optimizations in idle thread

Mustafa Yuecel yuecel at tik.ee.ethz.ch
Tue Apr 10 16:59:08 CEST 2007


In order to reduce the current consumption on our BTnodes I would like
the commit the following changes on arch/avr/os/nutinit.c to CVS.

1. NutThreadSetSleepMode returns the old value (like NutThreadSetPriority).

2. disable ADC and buskeeper before entering sleep mode and re-enable
these after wakeup:

if (idle_sleep_mode != SLEEP_MODE_NONE) {
  cbi(ADCSR, ADEN); // disable ADC
  cbi(XMCRB, XMBK); // disable buskeeper
  /* Note:  avr-libc has a sleep_mode() function, but it's broken for
  AT90CAN128 with avr-libc version earlier than 1.2 */
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("sleep" "\n\t" :: );
  sbi(XMCRB, XMBK); // re-enable buskeeper
  sbi(ADCSR, ADEN); // re-enable ADC

1. is a quick change, but 2. throws some problems up:

- the ADC may be used as wakeup source for SLEEP_MODE_IDLE and
SLEEP_MODE_ADC, so it should not be disabled in any case. Either we use
a define option at compile time or we set up the policy that the ADC
remains only enabled in SLEEP_MODE_ADC.

- the buskeeper is only useful/enabled if external RAM is available.
Maybe we can use here '#ifdef NUTXMEM_SIZE'?

Any comments?

I proposed these changes (among with others) on
http://www.btnode.ethz.ch/Projects/JAWS-DSNPowerdownFeature. All the
modifications decreases the current consumption of around 0.25 and 0.35 mA.


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