[En-Nut-Discussion] Question about ADC stability

Rich Wellner ethernut at objenv.com
Mon Feb 19 05:22:03 CET 2007

I've hooked an lm35 to adc0 and am surprised at the results I'm getting.

    double temp;
    u_short value = 0;
    //int i=0;


    while (ADCRead(&value))
    printf("raw value: %i\n", value);
    printf("Temp C: %f\n", (double)value / 1023.0 * 5.0 *100);


It goes without saying, I hope, that I haven't been changing the temp 
dramatically.  I've also confirmed that the sensor it putting out a 
steady .232V, which is what I expect in my slightly warm workroom at the 
moment.  Are there additional things that need to be done to get steady 
readings from this adc?  Also, if I switch to SINGLE_CONVERSION then I 
get a more correct reading on average (e.g. about 23C), but it's still 
highly variable as with the readings below.

raw value: 96
Temp C: 46.920824
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 79
Temp C: 38.611922
raw value: 71
Temp C: 34.701857

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