[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 2 Relais

Alexander Baranov baranov at intech21.com
Tue Mar 27 19:02:56 CEST 2007

>I should need to connect some relais to the output of an Ethernet 2.1
> board. Now I am using some TLP504 between the outp and N4100F relais.
> I would like to simplify the board connecting directly the relais to
> the outp port. Did someone already try it? Theoretically it should
> not burn out my Ethernut but I prefer not to make a blind try.
> Thanks
If I have read the datasheet correctly the resistance of 5V coil is 125 
Ohms, which means that the port has to drive 40mA. I think that it might be 

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