[En-Nut-Discussion] Replying vs. writing new messages...

Vesa Jääskeläinen chaac at nic.fi
Fri Oct 12 20:58:27 CEST 2007


Sorry for the rant :)

I would like to notify people that are using Reply button to write new
messages to the list that it will brake down threaded view. Email
clients track down replies with identifiers and if new message contains
old identifier it gets recognized as belonging to same thread.

Here is an example of the problem:

+ New Message
  +- Re: New Message (Real reply to New Message)
  +- Another New Message
    +- Yet Another New Message

When writing new message please start new composition. Eg. New compose
window and type en-nut-discussion at egnite.de to To: field.

In example if you use Thunderbird and do not have this mailing list in
address book. Just right-click on reply-to fields email address and
select Compose Mail To. This way messages are threaded nicely and do not
get lost on other threads.

Preferred result:

+ Message
  +- Re: New Message (Real reply to New Message)
+ Another New Message
+ Yet Another New Message

Vesa Jääskeläinen

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