[En-Nut-Discussion] AT91SAM7X256 - SPI & PIO patch

Paweł apcom at tlen.pl
Sat Oct 20 18:10:52 CEST 2007

    I try to use SPI and PIO on AT91SAM7X256 platfrom.
At first time this case it not so easy and I have some proposal.
(i know that patch file will be better, but it is very short ;-)

in file "arch/Makefile" (and in automatically generated by nutconf) change 
in section "ifeq ($(DEVICE), AT91SAM7X256)"
add line "arm/dev/ih_at91spi0.c arm/dev/ih_at91spi1.c arm/dev/ih_at91pioa.c arm/dev/ih_at91piob.c"
del "arm/dev/ih_at91pio.c"

in file "include/arch/arm/irqreg.h"
in section "#elif defined(MCU_AT91SAM7X256)"
add line "extern IRQ_HANDLER sig_PIOA;
             extern IRQ_HANDLER sig_PIOB;"
del "extern IRQ_HANDLER sig_PIO;"

I send also  ih_at91pioa(b).c - slightly changed arch/arm/dev/ih_at91pio.c

best regard

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