[En-Nut-Discussion] Use of alloca in Nut/OS

Henrik Maier hmlists at focus-sw.com
Tue Aug 12 02:37:25 CEST 2008

I second this view. I avoid on most my embedded system dynamic memory
allocation. In most cases I know exactly the storage requirements and
allocate them statically. This method was never to my disadvantage.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: en-nut-discussion-bounces at egnite.de [mailto:en-nut-discussion-
> bounces at egnite.de] On Behalf Of Alain M.
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2008 1:34 AM
> To: Ethernut User Chat (English)
> Subject: Re: [En-Nut-Discussion] Use of alloca in Nut/OS
> Yes I have some thoughts:
> In most cases alloca() can simply be raplaces by simple local variable.
> In fact, alloca is only usefull if variable data will be stored, which
> is never a good thing for embedded.
> Alain
> Ole Reinhardt escreveu:
> > Hi Henrik,
> >

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