[En-Nut-Discussion] NutGetTickClock rounding (again)

Henrik Maier hmlists at focus-sw.com
Thu Jul 17 08:42:00 CEST 2008


> equals or closes to 1000. I also share Duane's point of view: the return
> value must never be inferior to the 'real' expected value. Typical

I agree with that view as well. That's the reason I started the discussion
in the first place as the current AVR implementation returns exactly an
inferior value. So far I focused only on my use case where Hz is < 1000. But
this discussion made me aware that there is also a present issue for the
default use case of Hz > 1000. The error is smaller so the side-effect is
less visible and I guess this is the reason it wasn't picked up so far.

> example: having to wait for at least 5ms before writing again into an
> I2C addressed EEPROM. If I call the function with the value 5(ms) and
> the system ticks @997Hz, then I want the value 6(ticks) to be returned
> and not 5(ticks).

Are you sure you want to wait 6 ticks for 997 Hz ? At 997 Hz a tick is
actually longer than 1 ms, it is 1.003 ms. Your EEPROM wait time would be
satisfied with 5 ticks = 5.015 ms.

For a parameter of 5 ms the current implementation in ostimer.c (see below)
returns 4 for 997 Hz and for the Ethernut standard clock of 1024 Hz it
returns 5.

u_long NutTimerMillisToTicks(u_long ms)
    u_long x;
    x = ms * NutGetTickClock() / 1000UL;
    if (x == 0) {
        x = 1;
    return (x);

So in the standard Ethernut case (1024Hz) if we waited 5 ticks, we actually
waited 4.88 ms. So a bit less than we expected. Based on previous
discussions from yourself and Duane I understand the function should round
up to 6 ticks in this case which is exactly what the Linux calculation would

> If the Linux calculation is fine, then let's take it: anyway, if the

So are we then back to the following implementation proposal, which is the
generic case of Linux' msecs_to_jiffies function?

u_long NutTimerMillisToTicks(u_long ms)  
   if (ms >= 0x3E8000UL)
      return (ms / 1000UL) * NutGetTickClock();
      return (ms * NutGetTickClock() + 999UL) / 1000UL;  

PS: I still have no idea where the magic value of 0x3E8000UL comes from.

> tick count function expands to a constant, conditional compilation and
> the optimizer will reduce the instruction count. If the tick count is

For the AVR implementation NutGetTickClock() is constant. For the AT91 ARM
implementation it is not.

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