[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 5.0 Schematic Preview

duane ellis ethernut at duaneellis.com
Fri May 9 00:16:20 CEST 2008

duane> I use this: http://www.segger.com/at91.html
duane> Why? For $129 USD (digikey) - it comes with a license for *ALL* 

alain> Why? I have been using Olimex JTAG-Tiny which is $50. It is 
working on
alain> Atmel-ARM7, Atmel-ARM9, Luminary-CortexM3...

For that reason - (all gnu tools) the olimex tiny would be a fine solution.
However, I do not believe it works with the ARM ADS tool kit.
I use the ARM ADS tool chain for some things, the SAM-ICE includes a 
free license for that too.


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