[En-Nut-Discussion] NutHeapRealloc

Moritz Struebe morty at gmx.net
Tue May 27 12:40:50 CEST 2008

Hmm looks like this wasn't such a smart idea because enter & switch 
frame are Arch dependent. Maybe I did it the wrong way round: Keep 
NutThreadCreate in arch and add a NutThreadTdInit to the os/thread.c.

Any suggestions?


Moritz Struebe schrieb:
> Hi all.
> Before checking this in may I also suggest to move NutThreadCreate 
> from /arch to /os? Most of the initialisation-stuff like copying the 
> name, adding the beef, etc is the same for all archs, but there are 
> slight differences between the archs in the code, although they are 
> doing the same. The a static inline function called 
> "NutThreadCreateArch" can be used to do the arch-specific stuff. This 
> will make things more flexible. (At the moment assigning memory to a 
> thread is only possible for avrs, because I didn't change the code for 
> other archs.)
> Cheers
> Morty

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