[En-Nut-Discussion] PIO ports invested

Thiago A. Corrêa thiago.correa at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 02:43:39 CEST 2009


   Yeah, that's right. I think if you set them as outputs before
setting their state it should work.

Kind Regards,
   Thiago A. Correa

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:54 AM, Allister Mannion<allister at nowatt.com> wrote:
> I'm assuming NutOS does not initialize/enable the alternate functions of
> many of the IO pins on an AVR (ethernut13h) system unless you register
> the device. Is this correct?
> I seem to be getting the opposite out on most/all the IO pins (i.e. if I
> set something high, it's actually low?). E.g.
>    GpioPinSetHigh(SBBI0_CS0_PORT, SBBI0_CS0_BIT);
>    GpioPinSetHigh(SBBI0_CS1_PORT, SBBI0_CS1_BIT);
>    GpioPinSetHigh(SBBI0_CS2_PORT, SBBI0_CS2_BIT);
>    NutSleep(10000);
> with avrpio.h (in *bld/include/cfg/arch) as:
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS0_PORT
>        #define SBBI0_CS0_PORT AVRPORTD
>        #endif
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS0_BIT
>        #define SBBI0_CS0_BIT 7
>        #endif
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS1_PORT
>        #define SBBI0_CS1_PORT AVRPORTD
>        #endif
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS1_BIT
>        #define SBBI0_CS1_BIT 6
>        #endif
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS2_PORT
>        #define SBBI0_CS2_PORT AVRPORTD
>        #endif
>        #ifndef SBBI0_CS2_BIT
>        #define SBBI0_CS2_BIT 5
>        #endif
> You'd expect the above to set the defined pins high, but they're low?
> Any ideas?
> Allister Mannion
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