[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut\OS problem with "make"

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Tue Feb 17 19:53:08 CET 2009

Hi Vadim,

Вадим Владимирович wrote:

> When I try to compile example "httpd" with utility make.exe it asks for httpserv.o file, which isn't present in httpd directory.
> I've modified "Makefile" like this:
> #OBJS =  $(SRCS:.c=.o)

Make sure that PATH contains nut\tools\win32 in the Ethernut
installation directory in front, before any other directory. This makes
sure, that make.exe from the Ethernut distribution is used.

Try this with the original Makefile again, there is no need to touch the
existing one. If you do, make sure that tabs are retained and not
converted to space by your editor.

Further try
make httpserv.o

Last not least, I heard about problems with WinARM and Nut/OS. May be
you can install and try YAGARTO?


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