[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 3 hardware points: RAM on expansion port and SD card

Colin Chaballier colin.chaballier at mt2.fr
Fri Jul 31 10:08:53 CEST 2009


As part of the integration of the Ethernut3 in a new design, I'm looking 
at the feasibility to add external RAM through the expansion connector.
Do you have any feedback experience on connecting RAM through the 
"configurable address bus" on this board ?
Apart the 16bit address bus limitation, should be there any issues 
working on the address/data buses through the CPLD logic (latency 
control for example) ?

My second point is about the SD Card support. In the Ethernut3 
documentation it is reported that there should be a power line glitch 
problem when inserting SD card of more than 2GB. Is this problem has 
been definitely solved ? Or could we expect later issues when using 
large capacity SD cards ?

Thanks for your answers.

Best regards,

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