[En-Nut-Discussion] Problem: read uart port

Alexander Baranov baranov at intech21.com
Thu Mar 19 20:54:41 CET 2009

> I have a problem when I try to read from the UART port. I follow the 
> uart.c sample application.
> Below are code snap
> int got;
> static char inbuf[58];
> got = _read(_fileno(uart), inbuf, 58);
> The
> problem is that I want to read 58 bytes from the UART port, but the
> read function always returns 'got' less than 58. Do you know why?
> Is there a way to tell the microcontroller to read exactly 58 bytes before 
> returning.
> In other words, if got < 58, keep on reading until got = 58.
> I have tried with both version: 3.9.7 and 4.6.3. I have ethernut board 
> version 1.3f
> Regards,
> Samkol

I use something like this:
  while( (rx_bytes=_read(_fileno(uart1), uart_buff+len, 
       len += rx_bytes;
       if(len >= replength) break;
       NutDelay( 20 );

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