[En-Nut-Discussion] Submit some patches

Rich Peters rpeters at micro-magic.com
Wed Nov 25 20:02:38 CET 2009

hi everyone,

my first post here...
I have inherited a firmware project that was based on ethernut 4.0.1.
This project contains a number of modifications to the Nut/OS, which I
dont know if they were ever submitted as patches or not.  I have merged
the patches with 4.8.5 and tested them. They work well, so I have
submitted them to sourceforge in the patch area.  Please evaluate the
utility and applicability of them.

They are:

    1.  fix to nut\crt\write.c to guarantee serialized access to the
write used in fputs.c.  this prevents multiple threads from interleaving
    2.  fix to \nut\pro\dhcpc.c - modification to DHCP client code so
you can switch between DHCP and static IP addresses without
resetting/power cycling.
    3.  fix to nut\net\ifconfig.c - modification so NutNetIfSetup()
doesn't save settings to the EEPROM.  This was using up the available
memory writes for the eeprom part since it happens each time the unit
powers up.  Code was added to the application to determine when the
network information should be saved in the EEPROM.  This might impact
compatibility, so maybe this needs to be implemented as a parameter to
this function.



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