[En-Nut-Discussion] Qt version of the Configurator on Linux and OS X?

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Fri Nov 27 16:37:18 CET 2009

Ole Reinhardt wrote:

> Sorry not yet, but we'll have a lokal hacker session this evening, so
> I'll give it a try.

Would be great. Even if it fails, it will be of interest to get your
estimation about the required effort.

> I just looked into the sources. Is this all what's in the trunk? Looks
> quite compact to me :) I'm missing a makefile or something similar?

If I got it right, the .pro file contains the Qt IDE project settings. I
tried to create an MS Visual Studio project with more or less success.

> I'll try to build a automake project around it. Should not be that hard.

That would help a lot.

> BTW: There is a lua directory in the qnutconf source tree. Shall / must
> it be used or couldn't we use the normal lua libraries available in the
> linux system?

Telepathy? I asked myself the same question. Thiago asked me, whether he
should include Lua and I answered, that this would make sure that the
Configurator will be always based on the same Lua code.

However, Lua is known to be very stable and most conservative regarding
changes. Thus, I'm no longer sure if it is really necessary to include
the Lua code. On Linux (and OS X) it is fairly easy to install and use
the Lua libs. So you may ignore the Lua src tree below qnutconf.

> I'll test it under Ubuntu 9.04, should be ok for Debian as well...

On the Elektor fair you already told me, that Angstrom isn't Debian. You
are going to tell me now that Ubuntu isn't Debian? ;-)


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