[En-Nut-Discussion] Analog Input

Andre Riesberg andre at riesberg-net.de
Wed Sep 9 21:29:24 CEST 2009

Daniel wrote:

>Andre Riesberg schrieb:
>>Daniel wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Sadly I have to bother you again with ADC issues. I am not able to get a 
>>>signal on the ADC inputs. I've uploaded an image of the simple circuit 
>>>I'm using: (http://www.darthziu.de/Bilder/Circuit.jpg).
>>>I bridged Pin 1&2 on the ADC connector as Harald wrote on 2009/09/02.
>>>Code is as follows (as the example at NutWiki):
>>>int main(void)
>>>   // UART registrieren
>>>   u_long baud = 115200;
>>>   NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_UART, 0, 0);
>>>   freopen(DEV_DEBUG_NAME, "w", stdout);
>>>   _ioctl(_fileno(stdout), UART_SETSPEED, &baud);
>>>   puts("\nADC example");
>>>   ADCInit();
>>>   uint16_t adc_value = 0;
>>>   for (;;) {
>>>   ADCStartConversion();   
>>>       while (ADCRead(&adc_value))
>>>       {
>>>           NutThreadYield();
>>>       }
>>>      printf("Value: %u\n", adc_value);
>>>              NutSleep(1000);
>>>   }
>>>   return 0;
>>>Get always the same values on the ADC (eg. ADC0==255, ADC7==1023), even 
>>>if I play with the poti. With an external voltage meter I get different 
>>>voltages as expected.
>>>Where is my error? I'm getting insane here. Just tried with 2 Ethernuts, 
>>>every ADC Pin and nearly every ADC software configuration.
>>>Thanks in advance
>>Hallo Daniel,
>>I  missed the previous discussions. What kind of board do you use? CPU type?
>It's an Ethernut 1.3 H.
Hi Daniel,

ok, ATmega128. I have a similar hardware here with correct working ADC's 
(tested without Nut/OS). I will check this with Nut/OS tomorrow morning 
(I am an early morning worker :-) )


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